Hey! I’m Chelsea and I am a botanically based skin care formulator. I created Okologi Botanik from scratch and have been working on it for the past 7 years. Seven years is a long time! Yes...I haven’t been working exclusively on OB. The same month that I started making handmade probiotic deodorant, I started going to school! I thought I wanted to be a chemist when I started school because I thought that would help me learn how to make skin care formulas. I quickly learned that the things you learn as a scientist are WAY BEYOND anything you need to know as a skin care formulator. I decided to continue in my education however because I thought having a science degree would lend clout to my business. I didn’t want people to think I was just a crunchy lady making DIY in her kitchen (although that is closer to what I actually do than like...splitting an atom).
The business then took a back burner to my full time education. I finally graduated in the summer of 2019 with my degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology and I grabbed a minor in Bio Chemistry along the way.
Right now I have a full time gig in cancer diagnostics research and I work on Okologi Botanik in the evenings and weekends. I also decided to take an online course from Formula Botanica to become certified as an organic formulator (best decision ever btw).
I started to struggle with my skin at a pretty young age. About 12 or 13 I started breaking out on my face and my back ( and it really just got exponentially worse as I got older. This was my first exposure to getting self educated in skin care. Anyone that has struggled with acne knows that you become an expert in all things skin care and nutrition.
It wasn’t until I was introduced to botanical skin care that my skin really started to change. I’ll save the “Why Choose Botanically Based Skin Care” for another blog post. I just wanted to share a quick intro on where I’m at now.
How’s my skin now? It’s amazing. I’m not bragging but just pointing out that when I was young, I thought my lot in life was bad skin (and crooked I was a looker!) So seeing how far my skin has gone over the years to no breakouts and perfectly smooth, non-acne scarred skin is a miracle. Botanically based skin care heals your skin. My skin glows. And even though I’m aging, I have few wrinkles to speak of.
I know everyone’s skin care journey is different and everyone has a different type of skin at different stages of life but I would like to help those of you that have questions to find the best skin care so you can have the best glow possible. I’m constantly playing with ingredients and formulas and coming up with what I think is amazing skin care.